
Rajiv Jayarajah evacuated to Gold Coast after Bali haemorrhage

Melburnian Rajiv “Raj” Jayarajah, 43, was evacuated to the Gold Coast by Australian Air Ambulance after he fell ill while on holiday and was stranded in Bali.

Raj’s friend Andrew, who started the GoFundMe campaign, said in a post:

“The air ambulance has now flown from the Gold Coast to Bali and plans to take Raj back to Melbourne tomorrow for urgent hospital care.”

Raj suffered a seizure in the hotel room, causing him to fall to the ground, resulting in a head injury and brain hemorrhage.

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Raj’s friend Andrew told 7NEWS the medical incident was completely unexpected.

“It was a shock to everyone. It’s almost unreal to think that I actually met him the day or two before we hung out.”

Raj’s 10-year-old son, who was in the hotel room at the time, alerted staff.

Raj was taken to the hospital in a critical condition and placed in an induced coma in the intensive care unit, according to Andrew.

“He is in a coma and they have been working with doctors in Bali and Australia to ensure his life and stability.”

Andrew has launched a fundraiser to cover the family’s medical evacuation and other expenses, which could be in the order of $250,000.

Andrew update:

“Your donations have been and will continue to be so appreciated and will be vital in supporting Raj and his family on the long and difficult road ahead.”

The insurer has now agreed to cover all of Raj’s hospital and travel costs in Bali, and will reimburse his family for the cost of repatriating him to Australia by Qantas Air Ambulance.

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