Sri Lanka

7 Facts You Didn’t Know About Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a rough place.

People would be forgiven for not knowing that Sri Lanka, a relatively small island off the coast of India, produces 80 to 90 percent of the world’s supply of cinnamon.

If you think that’s surprising, here are 7 better facts about the country:

1. Sri Lanka has two different names: “Teardrop of India” and “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”

2. Muslim Moorish traders began to settle in the capital Colombo in the 8th century AD

3. Sri Lanka’s national sport is cricket

4. While the country supplies most of the world’s cinnamon, its biggest export is actually tea

5. More than 50% of the country’s electricity is generated by hydropower due to the country’s waterfalls and rivers

6. This country has a population of 20 million and over 92% of them are educated which is unbelievably impressive

7. The flag of Sri Lanka is one of the oldest in the world, dating back to 162 BC

Want to learn more about this fascinating country? good news!

The Sri Lanka Tourism Board has announced a series of tourism roadshows in November.

With the Sri Lankan Tourism Board eyeing tourist arrivals from Australia, a delegation of 50 Sri Lankan representatives will host Australian tour operators, tour operators and media for dinner and networking.

Roadshows are planned for Perth on November 20, Melbourne on November 23 and Sydney on November 27.

Madubhani Perera, Director of Marketing, said: “We are very excited to step up our promotions in Australia and partner with the Australian tourism industry to help showcase the wonders of Sri Lanka to consumers.

“We have World Heritage Sites, great biodiversity, tropical beaches, adventure experiences and world-class hotels.”

“Tourism Sri Lanka ran a similar promotion in Australia last year and this year we need to continue to engage with the travel industry as SriLankan Airlines launches daily direct flights to Melbourne,” added Udaya Nanayakkara, chairman of the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Foundation.

“So we’re back in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth to showcase our world heritage, rich biodiversity, tropical beaches, adventure experiences and world-class hotels to the Australian market.”

The conference will start at 5.30pm and attendees will enjoy Sri Lankan food and drinks and network with exhibitors.

For more details and to register for the event, click here.

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